Segmented control is a linear set of two or more segments, each of which functions as a mutually exclusive button.
The control segment is responsible for switching content when clicking on the buttons inside the control.
This functional element can be created in two ways: through ready-made presets and using custom presets.
Ready-made presets
Ready presets you will find in the left sidebar - presets - controls
Select the segmented control, it is placed on the artboard with the correct structure, you can change the design.
Custom presets
To make your segmented control work like a toggle, create a design from scratch in the editor or import a pre-made design from Figma.
After that, click on it, click Create Preset, then select the segment control functional preset from the list.
Preset settings
Background active color - button color when it is active.
Active text color - here you can select the color that lights up when active.