Sizze Enterprise

An exciting opportunity to bring our teams together to grow your business.

Develop with the team and release apps in no time

Consolidate multiple development and design solutions to save time and money

Sizze is an accessible way to build  mobile app

At the heart of Sizze is our latest technology, which has already simplified and accelerated development for hundreds of teams.
Nick Newman
CEO, Co-Founder

"Let's face it, app creation has never been affordable or inexpensive. Over the last decade, apps have cost an average of $50,000 and were built by large teams. We do things a little differently, without a huge staff and with an amazing community of experts around the world! Our goal is to make app development accessible to everyone.

With Sizze, you don't pay tens of thousands of dollars extra to have an entire department working on your project. We connect you with a few experts from our team and you get an amazing app, with the latest real-time design tool."

What makes Sizze different

We are changing the game's rules and showing the world how to make life easier for teams.

Unique visual platform

Our unique visual editor allows you to quickly and easily get the finished code for your mobile app from a design

Design first

We pay special attention to design and for us it plays a key role. Our passion is stunning and user-friendly interfaces.

Low code

Technology in Low code gives unlimited customization for our partners and customers. It speeds up all the processes tenfold.


Freedom and creative thinking are always welcome in our team. We are always open to something new and unexplored.

Work process

The horizontal process from design to instant code gives a wide opportunity to quickly change the development vector of any product.

Fully transparent

A clean and flawless process within our team gives maximum credibility to our customers. You always have access to our support team 24/7.

Case studies

One company-wide tool to create an app with our Size team
Get a free demo


Completed projects


Support team


Faster mobile app launch


Satisfied customers

Professional Team

The most creative and technologically advanced team in the hands of the most powerful tool.


Our team includes top fronted and backend developers for absolute freedom.


Our designers create incredible layouts with the perfect structure for instant export to code.


We have experts in our team from different areas of no-code for the possibility of integrations.

Project Managers

Our project manager will lead the project from point 0 to the full launch of the application in the store.


Our marketers will help you find points of growth and promotion for your future app.


Our experts in the Sizze editor will be available to you for life after you sign the contract with us.

Sizze is an official member of the Codify program.

"We are tech entrepreneurs who partner with private and public groups in rural communities to deploy an innovation ecosystem to educate and train digital workers and entrepreneurs, build and attract software-focused companies, and create community spaces to expand the digital economy. In strong digital economies, workers drive innovation and become entrepreneurs, creating local wealth, more economic diversity, and future-proof jobs and occupations"

Case studies

“Our development team was spending a lot of time and effort on developing simple solutions, slowing down our business considerably. We were looking for a team like Sizze to implement our ideas lightning-fast.”

100+ Successful cases

Let's talk

Get more done, faster — together.