Code copying

Sizze has a great feature which generates the React Native code of your project in real time. You can copy it or download it as a ZIP file and implement it into your project.  

In this article we will show you how to copy, download the code.  

We have a layout ready in Figma which we want to export to Sizze. Select a frame, share the link and login to your Sizze account. 

Image 1

First, you need to connect your Figma account to Sizze, you can do it by clicking on the Figma icon on the top panel.  

Image 2

After connecting, paste the copied code from Figma into the Figma window in Sizze, it will instantly export your project, if you have several pages select ‘Import all pages ' and ‘Import a frame' if you want to import a single frame. 

Image 3

Your project will appear in Sizze pages, you can see how the code is instantly generated and visible in the left side panel. To copy it simply click on a copy button and to download click on download ZIP button on the left side bar or on the top right corner.  (Learn more about a ZIP file)

Image 4

The code can be easily integrated into your project or you can create one, it will incredibly save you time and effort, since styles and correct markup is already written for you, you can improve and add logic to it to make them functional. 

Image 5

If you want to implement it into your project, create a new file and paste the code from Sizze. 

Connect to your project. 

Finally, run it. 

Awesome! Working with Sizze is a simple and interesting process, learn more about the Editor in this documentation.