Publishing to Stores

Publishing to Stores

Publishing an app is a very important step for every Nocoder. Sizze enables launching apps on TestFlight, App Store and Google Play. If you want to learn how, please take a look at the video tutorial below.


Hello Sizziers, the given tutorials will help you to obtain the basic knowledge on App publishing process on Testflight and Google Play!

We highly recommend watching all of them as they are very important to build basic knowledge on the App publishing process. We tried to put all of the necessary information in the most concise and comprehensible manner possible. Thus, the videos are short and very entertaining. Moreover, we’ve prepared a written documentation on publishing on Testflight and Google Play that contains all of the essential points shown in the video tutorials. Please check them out!

Here's the wrap up of the videos for your convenience:

 In this video series, you'll learn how to test your app on TestFlight and publish it to app marketplaces. To publish the application, you can choose one of the publishing options, individually or from Sizze's account. The application publishing process consists of three steps, registering to the Apple Developer program, connecting the Apple Developer account to Sizze's account, and the final step is publishing itself.

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